Hi there,

Welcome to the SA Contingent November 2024 update.

Please read on for more information about the following updates about Jamboree from the SA Contingent:

  • The Jamboree experience
  • Transport information
  • Insurance information
  • Merchandise distribution
  • SA Contingent souvenirs
  • From the health and wellbeing team

If you have any queries about the below please contact us, or discuss with the Leaders of your Jamboree Unit.

Chris Wise

Contingent Leader

SA Contingent

The Jamboree experience

In just over 40 days the Jamboree will be here! It’s taken a lot of planning to get to this point – 10 days of excitement, adventure, fun and new experiences.

Jamboree in itself is a new experience for many youth and adults attending. It is an opportunity to put your Scouting skills to the test, meet, live and work with new people and make the most of it!

Transport Information

We’re pleased to announce transport allocations are now finalised and available for viewing in the application system on the Contingents tab.

Each participant should see two entries for travel to (a flight and a bus) to Jamboree and from Jamboree. For those travelling from country areas you may see some additional entries as well. Please check in and follow advice from your Leaders for your Unit if you need anything clarified. Leaders will also provide instructions on what to do when you arrive at the airport on departure day. Please note the TO Jamboree timings listed are for arrival at the airport (not flight departure times).

If you notice any issues with how transport arrangements look for you please contact us.

Independent Travellers

For those travelling independently TO Jamboree we will shortly confirm arrangements for you.

This will involve a meeting place in Maryborough where the SA Contingent will collect you from and bring you to the Jamboree site. Approximate time for this will be 1300hrs on 6th January.

For those travelling independently FROM Jamboree we will also shortly confirm arrangements for you. At this stage pickup will be from the Jamboree site itself – we’re just awaiting confirmation of timings for this to be on the 16th January.

Insurance information

As part of the fee to travel to the Jamboree in January 2025, Scouts SA have secured comprehensive insurance cover for all South Australian participants under the insurance program.

Details of what is covered as part of this insurance cover can be accessed using the button below to access the information document.

Merchandise distribution

Most Units now have their merchandise to issue out to participants. Most service leader merchandise was distributed at our packing weekend held last weekend.

These packs will have also included any additional SA Contingent merchandise ordered and paid for.

Don’t forget you need to wear the SA Contingent shirt TO and FROM the Jamboree on our transport. Also remember to label everything so it doesn’t go walkabout at  Jamboree (and if it does that it can be returned.)

Watch this space for a limited offer on some excess merchandise that we will have available for sale soon!

SA Contingent souvenirs

The SA Contingent AJ2025 Collection is now open for pre-order.

For all the details and to purchase SA Contingent souvenirs please click the button below

You can purchase AJ2025 and other contingent souvenirs here as well.

Christmas is around the corner, these would make great stocking stuffers for the AJ participant, family and friends!

From the Health and Wellbeing team

This Jamboree (AJ2025) there are more mixed Units than ever before. Scouts and Leaders may be placed with people that they have not had much exposure to working with before. Both Leaders and Scouts will have different levels of skills and capabilities and strengths.

This may mean that more than usual compromises will need to be made and more discussions will need to be had. However, all Leaders and Youth will have to respect the final decision made by the Jamboree Scout Leader or Patrol Leader. These people have been placed in the roles for good reasons.

But if you need assistance in the process, the FUN POLICE are available 24/7 to assist in making sure you all have a fantastic Jamboree.

AJ2025 SA Contingent is proudly supported by the businesses that support Scouting!

The following Scouts SA businesses have supported the costs associated with our Contingent shirts – thank you to these businesses and we ask all our Contingent members to support these businesses wherever possible.